Newborn Session Prep
Following the prep instructions can help to ensure a shorter, smoother session!
Morning of:
Newborn photography works best when the baby is in a deep sleep. In order to encourage this, I ask that you try to keep baby awake as much as possible in the hours before their session so they are nice and sleepy when they arrive. Some ideas to keep baby awake:
Expose baby to natural sunlight.
Play with your baby if they look sleepy.
Change their clothes.
Change their diaper.
Give baby a bath.
Full Feeding:
Please feed baby a full feeding before arriving to the studio. If traveling more then 30 mins, let me know and I’ll have you do the feeding once you arrive I allow for as many breaks as needed if baby needs a snack during the session. Please note baby may eat more than usual during their shoot.
The session will take place in my cozy studio. The studio will be very warm to keep your little one comfy between outfit changes. Others attending the session should keep that in mind when dressing as well.
Based on the nursery and/or the parent's color choices, I will have ‘looks’ prepared for the session. If you are bringing any special outfits or props to have baby photographed with, please let me know know ahead of time. All props/outfits needed are at the studio, so this is optional.
If you see a prop or outfit/wrap, accessory in the studio that you LOVE and want baby photographed in, please let me know well before the end of the session and I’ll be happy to incorporate it.
Bringing baby in a zip-up or button-down outfit is best since over the head clothing can disrupt them if they are sleeping.
Family Photos:
Family/sibling photos will be done last. If young siblings are coming to get photographed with the baby, it’s best to have dad or someone bring them the last 30-40 mins of the session. newborn sessions are long (2+ hours), the studio is small and kids tend to get antsy and sometimes can disrupt the baby.
Having the family photos last also allows mom to not feel as rushed in the morning. Mom’s feel free to bring your change of clothes, makeup, etc. and get ready at the studio while baby is being photographed.
Parents and siblings are encouraged to wear solid colors for their photos with baby.
I’m very patient and am used to the time it can take to get a baby posed and trust me, it’s always worth the wait! My sessions are baby-led and I strive for quality over quantity when taking photos. However, pacifies can be extremely helpful at times to get baby settled. If you have one for baby please bring it. If you forget, I keep extras at the studio.
Following the prep instructions can help to ensure a shorter, smoother session!
After reading this, please let me know asap if you have any questions or concerns.
Keep baby awake
Full feeding before arrival
Bring pacifier
Bring siblings at the end of the session
Please note, I realize sometimes it hard to keep baby to this schedule, so just do the best you can and don’t stress… after all baby is the boss!